In southern zhanbuzhou and Eastern Chang'an, the bustling crowd goes to Huasheng temple outside the city.

I heard that the emperor ordered master Xuanzang to lead 1200 eminent monks to Huasheng temple to hold a land and water meeting on July 49th on an auspicious day.

Today is the first day. It's a clear and cloudless day.

"Do you know why this meeting was held? It's said that the emperor was deeply harassed by the ghost some time ago. Only when Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong were escorted by the two generals, they could have a good sleep."

"But although the two generals galloped on the battlefield with extraordinary martial arts, they were not beaten by iron after all. For a long time, they could not rest day and night, and became thin. His majesty also knew that it was not a long-term strategy to have this one today, in order to drive away the spirits."

After a while, the crowd calmed down. Today, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, wearing a rolling Dragon Robe, a pearl crown jade belt, a purple ribbon and a gold medal, and accompanied by the Minister of culture and military, entered the Huasheng temple under the protection of thousands of soldiers.

First, I paid homage to Buddha and Bodhisattva, and then I came to the ashram which was specially built in advance for the land and water assembly.

The Sutra flags are dancing, the Buddha statues are solemn, the censers are ethereal, and the fruits are full of cases.

A young monk with a handsome face, red lips and white teeth, wearing a colorful gold-woven cassock, led 1200 eminent monks to pay homage to the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty was very satisfied with the arrangement of the meeting. He said to the monks, "you must be sincere and determined. Don't neglect the Buddhist work. When the attack is finished, I'll give you a lot of rewards. I won't be empty."

After the young monk led 1200 monks to express their thanks, they set up their meditation positions and chanted along with the chimes and wooden fish.

Not slow and not urgent, melodious and tactful, deep and deep, with the wind out of the good distance.

Everyone who hears the sound of chanting feels a different kind of tranquility, calming and thinking, penetrating into the heart and heart.

Only two people's mind is not in, and the idea is strong, the sound of chanting cannot pacify.

Li Shimin couldn't hide the joy between his brows. For many days, a big stone that had been pressing on his heart finally came down.

Few people in the world know that Li Shimin died a few days ago. He went to visit the underworld once and almost failed to return to the world.

After returning to Yang, what Li Shimin has been thinking about these days is to hold an unprecedented and grand land and water conference.

The other is Wei Zheng, who is the head of literary officials. His face is also full of joy.

Wei Zheng is already an extremely important official, but he is also happy about it, because the official he promoted is not an ordinary official, but a heavenly official.

Wei Zheng has been a Taoist since he was a primary school. He is not only an official in the secular world, but also an official in heaven.

But officials are different. Wei Zheng is a prime minister in the world. He is a civil servant. He is very honored and favored. He can be said to be below one person and above tens of thousands of people. But he is different in heaven. As a Cao official, he mainly deals with human affairs. It sounds like he has great power, but in fact he is inferior in heaven. After all, how many human affairs are related to heaven.

Wei Zheng is not satisfied with such a small official position as Cao Guan, but he has no way to be promoted. His talent in the mortal world is useless in the fairyland, and it doesn't matter for him to dredge it.

Until Bodhisattva Guanyin came to him and asked him to do something. After that, Wei Zheng agreed to give him the Buddha arhat.

Wei Zhengxian found yuan Shoucheng, the uncle of Yuan Tiangang, and joined hands with him.

Let yuan Shoucheng teach the fishermen where to cast nets in the Jinghe River, so that they can catch countless fish in a hundred, which makes the Dragon King of the Jinghe River come to the bank to gamble with him.

In order to win the gambling, the Dragon King of Jinghe tampered with the time and quantity of the rain, breaking the rule of heaven, and was about to be cut on the Dragon platform.

According to the meaning of Wei Zheng, Yuan Shoucheng pointed out that the Dragon King of Jinghe would be beheaded by Wei Zheng, a Cao official, and asked him to plead with Li Shimin, the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

The Dragon King of Jinghe did as expected. He found Li Shimin and asked him for help. Li Shimin thought it was a simple matter and agreed to it. The next day, he invited Wei Zheng to play chess. He didn't want him to kill the Dragon King of Jinghe.

As a result, Wei Zheng still killed the Dragon King of Jinghe by taking a nap between chess games.

The Dragon King of Jinghe resented Li Shimin and promised to save his life, but he didn't stop Wei Zheng.

Li Shimin was harassed by the dragon spirit every day. He was so upset that he finally became terminally ill and died.

Li Shimin was the son of heaven. After his death, judge Cui personally led him to the nether world, saying that he was going to confront the Dragon King of Jinghe who was crying for injustice.

All matters of the prefecture have been arranged in advance by Guanyin.

As soon as he entered the gate of death, Li Shimin happened to meet Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji. Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji grabbed him for a good fight and asked him to pay for his life.

After all, when he came out of the nether world to send Li Shimin back to the sun, judge Cui led Li Shimin through the Yinshan Mountain.

The mountain wind, dark fog, no animals, only ghosts.

Judge Cui leads Li Shimin through the ghosts, which frightens him.

After passing the Yinshan Mountain, judge Cui took Li Shimin to see the 18 levels of hell.

In the first layer of tongue pulling hell, those who sow dissension, slander and harm others, argue with each other skillfully, lie and cheat others before they die will be sent to tongue pulling hell, and be tongue pulled by imps with tongs.

Needless to say, almost everyone in the world can't escape. Who hasn't lied to others? Li Shimin is no exception.

In the second layer of scissors hell, if a woman's husband unfortunately dies ahead of time, she will be widowed. Anyone who instigates her to remarry or connects with her will be sent to this hell and cut off ten fingers after death.

Let alone instigate the widow to remarry, Li Shimin has several concubines in his harem. They are widows because of him, and then they are forced to marry by him. He can never escape this layer.

The third layer is the iron tree hell. Those who alienate their flesh and blood, instigate discord between father and son, brothers, sisters, and husband and wife, go to the iron tree hell after death. There are sharp blades on the tree, which are picked from the back of people and hung on the iron tree.


Li Shimin had heard of the legend of the 18th floor hell when he was on earth, but he had never seen it.

This time I really saw it, especially when judge Cui told him, there were countless ghosts crying bitterly, bloody and suffering from all kinds of punishment.

Most of all, Li Shimin has violated all the 18 levels of hell! That is to say, after his death, all the punishments he saw today will be repeated!

When Li Shimin was in a state of panic and sorrow, he came to the city where he had been wrongly killed and was killed by a wave of wronged spirits. All the people who had been wrongly killed by him were shouting to let him pay for his life, as if they were going to tear him alive